Let me help you live a more balanced energetic life

Feel like you’ve tried everything but your health still isn’t where you want it to be? You still have nagging symptoms that keep you from functioning at your full capacity? You’ve tried every alternative medicine, and spent a fortune on supplements that made no difference?

You are not alone, and I can help.

At Nourishing Wild Souls I pair individualized patient care with bioenergetic frequency testing to dig down and find the root cause of your symptoms. Then I use strong nutrition, homeopathy, herbs, and bioenergetic balancing to help your body feel its best so you can go out there and thrive!

By combining all of these disciplines we can truly support your body on every level and bring your body back into balance and wellness.

Hi there! I’m Elizabeth!

I am a BioScan Practitioner, nurse, health enthusiast, mother and adventurer with two little wild souls of my own. I love good healing food, outdoor adventures and slow mornings cuddling and reading books with my family.

I believe in food as medicine and through strong nutrition and frequency balancing the body can start to heal itself from many common ailments.

women sitting in chair smiling

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Nourishing Wild Souls and the BioScan does not diagnose, treat or cure any disease. The views and stories here are the personal stories and views of the author and not claims of what the Bioscan can do for others.