Individualized Wellness Plans
I meet with you, listen to your story, and your goals then create a comprehensive wellness plan that utilizes bioenergetic screenings, frequency balancing, optimum detox footbaths, and rife machine, as needed, to create a wellness plan that brings your body into balance so you can feel your best and thrive!
The Total Body Reset
Sometimes our bodies might just need a detox and reset. Perhaps it’s been a season of sickness or perhaps after a trip. You just don’t feel like yourself, you are more tired, having GI issues, or something just doesn’t feel right.
Come on in and lets reset your body. Using the BioScan and the detox footbath we will do a full body reset to boost your immune system, clear out toxin build up and get you back to feeling your best!
Optimum Detox Footbath
This professional-grade footbath is unlike any other. It creates a negatively charged current through the body. This current increases oxygenation on the cellular level, pulls out heavy metals and toxins, and activates the body’s elimination systems including the lymph system.
The Optiumum detox footbath can help with: better circulation, clearer skin, better sleep patterns, more energy, reduced joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation, weight loss, and reduced stress and fatigue
BioScan SRT Bioenergetic Screening
Everything on earth is vibrating with a specific frequency. The Bioscan uses these known frequencies to check for stress/imbalances in the body. The BioScan is able to read the body’s imbalances and see what is causing stress. Whether it be a body system, hormone imbalance, vitamin deficiency, or stress from mold, parasites, viruses and bacteria, the BioScan works to bring the body back into balance and decrease stress.
Pre-Pregnancy Body Prep
Let’s get your body ready for pregnancy! We will work together to balance hormones, boost nutrition, open drainage pathways and do a full-body detox so you body is strong and ready for your pregnancy. I will utilize the BioScan, Optimum detox footbath along with homeopathy and nutritional supplements.
This combination will set your body up to feel your best and get ready for your pregnancy
BCX Ultra Rife Machine
Coming Soon!